About Us

We met in June 2019, and enjoyed an intimate lockdown wedding in our Northolt garden in July 2020. We now live in the lovely Shrewsbury with our son Caleb (born March 2023) and lively dog, Rosie, where we aim to live missionally and share God’s love with those around us.

A little about us…


I love being mum to Caleb, and he keeps us on our toes! I currently work part-time as a church Preschool Worker, which largely involves running midweek baby and toddler groups and a toddler church. I love the opportunities for welcome and hospitality at these groups as well as to be creative. I also volunteer at a ‘warm spaces’ initiative on a local council estate, where I have found that having a baby has been great for conversation and relationship building!

Previously, I spent several years working in a Christian drug and alcohol rehab setting – at Yeldall Manor in Berkshire, and in Bolivia with Novō Communities. In 2023, I graduated with a BA in Theology, Mission and Ministry, which I had been studying through Church Mission Society This course has been so inspiring, with a focus on creative ways to engage in local mission. I am particularly interested in community building, incarnational mission on the margins, caring for the environment, and contemplative spirituality.


I am currently training for ordination in the Church of England, which involves part-time theological training at Queen’s Theological Foundation in Birmingham and ministry at a local church here in Shrewsbury, St Chad’s.

I am also a Prison Chaplain at Stoke Heath prison where I provide pastoral support and lead a contemplative prayer group and occasional Sunday services.

I have a passion for contemplative prayer and mysticism, love reading, cricket, enjoying the Shropshire countryside and a good beer or gin and tonic!

One Comment Add yours

  1. Anthony Carberry says:

    http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2os3qm Saw this and thought of you Rachel, go get ’em!

    Liked by 1 person

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